- Linen (both towels and sheets) reuse program in all guest rooms.
- Low-flow showerheads and sink aerators installed.
- Low-flow toilets and waterless urinals installed.
- Compact fluorescent light bulbs in guestrooms, lobbies, and hallways.
- Purchase food and guest amenities in bulk whenever possible.
- Educate staff to turn off lights and turn down heating/air conditioning.
- Close drapes when rooms are unoccupied and during summer months and turn off/down air conditioning and heating when rooms not in use.
- Provide guestroom recycle bins.
- Provide recycling bins both in public areas, in the kitchen and in the back office to make recycling as easy as possible for guests and staff.
- Provide guests with bicycles and walking maps.
- Provide reusable items such as cloth napkins, glass cups, ceramic dishes, etc. with food and beverage services.
- Provide glass cups and ceramic mugs (instead of plastic) for in-room beverages.
- Use daylight in lobby and Watermark Restaurant for as much of the day as possible.
- Source locally-grown/produced food when possible to provide the freshest ingredients for all guests and to reduce our carbon footprint when transporting such goods.
- Include filter changes and coil cleaning in ongoing maintenance plan.
- Monitor rates of energy and water use. Make repairs or replace equipment when rate changes indicate problems.
- Donate leftover guest amenities, old furniture and appliances to charities.
- Feature a garden with pest-resistant native plants.
- Support businesses, artisan and theatre initiatives within the community to encourage sustainability in the local area.
- Use tap water in conference rooms to cut down waste of plastic water bottles.
- Using technology to redesign in-house communication methods to encourage paperless delivery as much as possible.